Brake Gauge and Valves

Brake Proportioning Valves

Whether you are building a drag race vehicle from the ground up or looking to replace an OEM non-adjustable proportioning valve with an adjustable proportioning valve, the Strange B-3369 Brake Proportioning Valve is up to the task.

In order to achieve maximum braking efficiency in any vehicle with drag racing brakes, high pressure brake fluid must be correctly proportioned between the front brakes and rear brakes. This is typically accomplished with an OEM proportioning valve suitable for a singular make and model. Custom built vehicles and vehicles which have been altered extensively (such as drag race vehicles) will likely require a specialized degree of braking force between the front and rear brake systems. This specialized degree of force can be achieved with an adjustable proportioning valve.

Most drag race vehicles have much more tire contact area in the rear than in the front. The smaller front tires come to a halt with less brake pressure than the rear. In this case, the Strange Adjustable Brake Proportioning Valve is positioned in the front brake line where it can be adjusted to decrease fluid pressure until the front brakes are equalized with the rear. Street/strip applications usually have the Strange Brake Proportioning Valve installed in the rear lines to achieve a decrease in rear braking force.

The Strange Adjustable Brake Proportioning Valve is most effective when used in conjunction with a brake pressure gauge (P2360).
The B-3369 is threaded for 1/8-inch NPT.

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